Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Video diary, day thirty.

Oh, shortest video ever.

I have been working on Book Two everyday, but I can't talk about it because of spoilers. Huge, gargantuan, totally life-altering spoilers. Maybe after The Decoder is out I can reveal little things, like one at a time, but as of right now it's all under lock and key. Serious business.

Speaking of keys, I'm considering two options for my living situation next year: living in the DG house or getting an apartment with Kelsey and some of our friends. Either way would be quality. I just don't like living in the dorms all that much. I know, right. First world problems.

It's 1:45 in the morning and I'm doing laundry and bitching about my emotions. I'm incredibly domestic at this time of night. And creative. I don't feel like going to sleep because of reasons and I don't want to go to French in nine hours but I also don't want to fail, so...

I'm like obsessed with writing these couple of chapters. Basically part one of the second book is legit as boon. Every single time I sit down to take notes I come out with three or four pages of new stuff to work with. It's awesome, but I definitely don't want to lose this explosion of inspiration, or whatever it is.

Every now and again, I like to imagine what it'd be like to be un-photogenic.

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