Friday, November 4, 2011

Video diary, day eighteen.

This was a very busy Friday, and I wish I could say it was because I was working so very hard on the draft. Unfortunately, I was at class and work all day, then I had to take this gross test on my knowledge on alcohol and hazing policies... really exciting stuff. And I was up all night because Kelsey partially convinced me that our dorm room is haunted. So.

I am talking a little about the second book, as well as the woes of writing. This video is all over the place, probably a product of my extremely scattered thoughts at the moment. My head hurts like you have no idea.

Listen to this or I hate you forever:
Undercovers On by Rival Schools

Today I recorded a video of myself while I was driving, because I drank a grande mocha and I had no one to talk to. So during my rambling, I gathered some gems like, "I wish I was made of pizza.", "Things you should not do: record yourself while driving.", "All I want in life is to eat and to write. And marry Logan Lerman but that comes later in the plan -- OH MY GOD JAYWALKER!"

This is how we brought in 2011:

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