Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Video diary, day sixteen.

Happy Wednesday! Which is actually a very exciting day because a new episode of Criminal Minds comes on tonight, and that's one of my favorite shows.

Today I'm talking about another character, Augustus. His role is something I can't even fully begin to put into words, and definitely not without spoiling the entire second book. Just know that Augustus is tall, orange and a serious problem for Tammie. Not the biggest, but he's definitely an issue. Something I'd categorize as a "cause for concern". Yes.

Today I went back and edited just a little bit of the first few chapters, because I can do that without wanting to rip my hair out. Anyway, I found this tiny little part that made me laugh. It's nothing major or plot-revealing, just something that sort of shows off the characters and all that.

Before reading on, enjoy this picture of me.

Getting a sudden idea, one that will be very distracting, I push myself up off the floor and grab my backpack. My sweaty blue shirt clings to me. I sneak a glance in the mirror; ew. Soot and sweat cover my entire body. My dust blonde hair is plastered to my face, and my eyes look crazed, like I just witnessed something terrible.

I kind of did, I think with a laugh, I just raced through a war zone.

“OW! Virgins!” Emily screams from the bathroom. Something small and metal falls onto the floor, clanking against the tile.

And here's another one, from earlier in that same chapter:

“Not bad... for senior citizens!” The coach tears his hat off his head and throws it on the ground. “My grandma can run faster than that, and she's in a coma!”

“I bet she's enjoying the peace and quiet.” Emily gripes under her breath.

“Now, I want you to take on the obstacle course like it's victimized you personally!” Coach Halloman points to his obstacle course, in the field that the track wraps around. It has rope walls, barbed wire for us to crawl under, holes to fall in, all the things I might expect to find in an obstacle course, but it also has some of what must be the coach's special 'personal touches'. Totally safe things, like a wall that's vomiting lava, a pit of what looks like worms, and a suspiciously boring looking rock.

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