Sunday, October 30, 2011

Video diary, day twelve.

Today, while watching Doctor Who with Vivian's little sisters, I compiled a good list of things that will need editing and revising. They're the sort of things that have been up in my head, but I never actually wrote in the book. It's headcanon, if you will. The nice thing about being the author is that my headcanon has to be everyone else's canon. HA.

I also made a list of sort of random things within the book, which may or may not be important. And I drew a helpful map of Riverwick. Three cheers for semi-productivity!

I bet there are some people wondering if there are any good pictures of me in existence. The answer is yes, but I am not especially good at taking attractive pictures, and I have the kind of face that lends itself to contorting into beautiful expressions when a camera is present. So here I am dressed as Hayley Williams and enjoying some ice cream.

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