Sunday, October 23, 2011

Other things that need to be said.

I came across the TT on Twitter called #uglygirlsarenotallowed, and I weep for humanity. Is it really okay to tear other people down like that? What puts you above them, what makes you better? Who says you aren't the ugly one, and that society's perception of beauty is nearly irreparably flawed.

Isn't there anything worse than being considered ugly? I would hate to be called stupid, boring, shallow, run of the mill, ordinary, rude, unloving or soulless more so than ugly. To me, it shows the lack of true dislike on the bully's part; if the best insult you can throw out is 'ugly', then I have no respect for you, and I probably didn't have much in the first place.

Why do looks matter so much to us? Why is being pretty so important to someone's confidence? Is that really all we have, anymore? I'd rather celebrate the beautiful minds, the kind hearts and the brave spirits than those who have nothing to offer but their looks. Beauty fades, and it fades fast.

People who have to break others down in order to feel powerful are the weak ones. They are cowards, hiding behind temporary masks and afraid to come out and face their rotting souls. Internal beauty shines through, but an ugly heart radiates through every pore, and everyone can see it.

“Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'? Not to me.”  - JK Rowling


  1. You are mades of all kind of heroism.

  2. Some things about the world almost make me want to live in Estavia. Is that bad?
