Sunday, October 30, 2011

Video diary, day thirteen.

Ah, and I have returned to the dorm.

Today was a very important day in the world of Delta Gamma; big/little revealment! YAY! Gabi is my Big and I am her Little so now we do Big and Little things like go on adventures. I hope we can somehow get a flying carpet.

As for the world of writing, I have realized that the discipline system of Riverwick is not all that it's supposed to be, and the students have too much free reign over the school. It was not intended to be this way, and that will require tweaking. It's supposed to be the kind of school that every student would hate, with lines, ridiculous regulations and all that great stuff I got to deal with in middle school.

ALSO, I may or may not be posting a few short-short stories I've written on Tammie's parents, Amity and Harrison. They are very special characters, ones that I love very much and would have preferred not to kill but it's absolutely necessary to the story. I'm very iffy on posting it though, for various reasons which include copyright, they're very private, secret stories and I feel like it would be a betrayal of the characters to release something about them right now, and... I just sort of don't want to as much as I do want to. Mixed feelings, I'm having.

Anyway, here's a picture of me running to my sisters on Bid Day. I really like this one, so cherish it.

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