Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy new year!

Happy new year! I don't know about anyone else, but I've declared that 2012 will be my year. Nothing's going to stop me, even the apocalypse. Not that I buy into any of those hokum predictions. Just know that the end of the world won't stop me from taking on this year my storm.

I have found an literary agency, and I'm slightly obsessed. I feel like it would be the right fit for me, and I'm absolutely determined to get a deal with them. Tomorrow my query letter goes off, and then the waiting begins. If I am lucky enough get represented, then -- agh, I can't even process how amazing that would be.

Speaking of amazing things, I saw The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo over break. One of my favorite books transformed into a movie by one of my favorite directors? Yes please. I'll have to write another whole post on how much I loved it. Just know that it's coming.

The History Channel is my new favorite thing. I had no idea how much information that I wanted was just waiting for me on my television while I attempted to Google it. I learned more in twenty minutes than I did in a week. Yes, THC will definitely be my new go-to for viewing pleasure.

I am constantly finding myself in need of the same inhuman drive that Daniel Radcliffe possesses. The man is incredible. I'm convinced that he can do anything.

Last night I couldn't sleep so I threw together a cover for The Decoder. It's not exactly how I want it to look yet, mostly because it's missing an explosion and a couple of hovercrafts, but it's getting so close. It almost feels like I'll be seeing it on shelves during my next visit to Barnes and Noble.

Listen to these kickin tunes:
My Body - Young the Giant
Faithless - City and Colour
Baby Girl, I'm a Blur - Say Anything
Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face
Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars

Bringing in the new year with a semi-good picture! Hopefully I'll be able to add many new files to my "Good Pictures" folder... probably not.

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